SERP Volatility

Search Engine Rank Page (SERP) Volatility is the inconsistency in the ranking of a web page due to the changes in the Google algorithm. Whenever the search engines (Google) update or change their algorithm, the effect becomes visible on your website keyword rankings. This shift in the website/keyword ranking is called SERP Volatility.  

The search engine updates and changes mainly impact organic search traffic. It may not have much of a negative impact. However, with the help of a SEO expert, you can monitor SERP volatility monitoring tools and understand the ranking changes due to the ongoing search engine trends

Accuranker’s Google Grump

This intuitive SERP volatility tool alerts about the grumpiness levels of Google. It indicates the changes in Google through 1 to 15+ rating, where the higher the rating, the greater the search engine algorithm changes. You can monitor 30,000 randomly selected keywords and track the SERP change results on both mobile and desktop.



This Google algorithm tracking tool observes oscillations of chosen keywords daily. This tool’s SERP flux metric is called ‘roo’. It notifies you whether the Google algorithm changes are severe or moderate. This SERP volatility tracking tool also provides annotations that indicate the happening of algorithm changes in Google. A unique feature of this tool is, the home page tells you the losers and winners due to the SERP changes on a periodical basis.



Trusted for its wide range of SEO tools, here is one more SERP volatility tracker from Mangools. This algorithm change tracking tool displays changes in daily ranking. Loaded with a pool of 2 million keywords, Mangools lets you compare the fluctuation in rankings on both desktop and mobile. 


If you need more guidance on SERP volatility and want to know how it affects your website, contact SEO expert at (